An interactive multiplayer game board loosely based on the “Bop It!” and “Simon Says” game systems. Players are asked to perform a particular action through an audio prompt, e.g. moving the joystick up, pressing a button, tilting the board, etc.
I wanted to learn more about embedded coding aswell as practice the Javascript and networking skills I
gained from my previous hackathons.
My team and I were able to use Agile methodologies to create something really fun!
The game is configured and started through our web console hosted on GitHub Pages. The web console writes the game settings to our Firebase Realtime Database instance, from which the BBG clients are continually reading. When a value in the database indicates so, the clients begin the game.
The Game is build in C and utalizes the libasound, libCurl, and JSON-C libraries.
The Web console was build with 85% JQuery and some HTML and CSS.
The Database is in JSON.
While implementing the C code was easy, cross compiling the CURL (lcurl) and JSON-C (ljson) libraries
was an
hard task. There are no tutorials online how to do this so I spent alot of time debugging, but
eventually got it to
I created a tutorial on how I did this so I, and
hopefully no one else, will ever have to go
that trouble again!
The main guides used where for CURL and JSON-C. Most of these guides were used as references and none were directly copied from: