
Firebase via CURL and JSON-C

Created By Kieran McCormick

Instructions for Unix

This guide uses code from the libcurl Example Sources.

Jump to section two of this guide for how to cross-compile and integrate CURL and JSON-C into a Beagle Bone project.

This guide does not cover how to authorize your CURL client for a Firebase Realtime Database Instance.


This guide covers:

  1. The basics of contacting a Firebase Realtime Database Instance
  2. How to build and incorporate CURL and JSON-C into a project compiled for the Beagle Bone Green
  3. How to use CURL and JSON-C to contact a Firebase Realtime Database Instance.


The first step in our quest to success is understanding basic interactions with a Firebase Realtime Database Instance.

If you have used Firebase before then you will know its a great NOSQL database.

Using Firebase is incredibly simple and getting data is as easy as sending a GET request to a URL.

An example URL would be

You could browse to this URL and get the JSON stored at that location, or your could send a simple CURL command.


$ curl

The JSON returned by the previous command gives us a great view of the data. Below is our database!

    "eddie" : {
        "alert" : true,
        "data" : 6,
        "ownerName" : "Eddie",
        "seed" : 1510801622183,
        "data1" : 1

Above is the data stored at data in our database.

Updating the database is as easy as using a PUT method. As we can see above, our JSON object has a data.eddie with a data.eddie.data1. Updating this data is as easy as:

$ curl -d 2 -X PUT

As we can see below our data.eddie.data1 value has changed from 1 to 2, wow that was easy!

$ curl

Now that we have a firm grasp of how to access and manipulate our database from the command line we need to figure out how do the same from our Beagle Bone program. Lucky for us CURL actually provides a great library for just such an occasion.


CURL releases:

Just like we saw above, we want to use CURL to access our data. You may have noticed that we are accessing vai the HTTPS protocol. This, of course, means that we need to have an SSL library available for CURL during our build.

Ensure the following package is installed on your Beagle Bone:

# sudo apt-get install libssl-dev

Now that our prerequisite is in place we can start our build process.

First, download the latest CURL release source to your Beagle Bone.

Once downloaded and extracted, run the following commands from the top of the source directory:

# ./configure  

Note The above command should display the following:


As you can see, HTTPS is supported.

If you see the following, however, HTTPS is not supported and you will not be able to contact Firebase. Ensure that libssl-dev is installed before you rerun ./configure.


Now run:

# make
# make test # optional
# make install

We can now start copying our built files:

# mkdir /mnt/remote/curl-bbg
# mkdir /mnt/remote/curl-bbg/libs
# mkdir /mnt/remote/curl-bbg/curl
# cp -rf lib/.libs/ /mnt/remote/curl-bbg/libs #The library
# cp -rf include/curl/ /mnt/remote/curl-bbg/curl #The headers

Don’t forgot that we built our libcurl against libssl-dev.

Our new, amazing library has dependencies built for our arm-linux-gnueabihf compiler.

If we tried to incorporate libcurl into our projects on our host machines our cross compiler would tell us it couldn’t find the following dependencies for libcurl:

The first step is to determine which, if any of these we already have on our Beagle Bones

For example, in /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ on my Beagle Bone, I found the following:

Copying these files to the following directory on my host machine almost resolved my issue:


As we saw before, my cross compiler asked for but I foolishly provided

The fix for this is, of course, renaming the file:

$ mv /usr/arm-linux-gnueabihf/lib/ /usr/arm-linux-gnueabihf/lib/

We are ready to incorporate our new library!


JSON-C GitHub repo:

Incorporating JSON-C will be much more straight forward that CURL.

First run:

# git clone
# cd json-c
# sh

followed by:

# ./configure
# make
# make check # optional
# make install

We can now start copying our built files:

Our libraries can be attained via

# mkdir /mnt/remote/json-c-bbg
# mkdir /mnt/remote/json-c-bbg/libs
# cp -rf ./.libs/ /mnt/remote/json-c-bbg/libs #The library

Our headers can be found like this:

# ls -h ./*.h
        ./arraylist.h       ./json_object.h           ./math_compat.h
        ./bits.h            ./json_object_iterator.h  ./printbuf.h
        ./config.h          ./json_object_private.h   ./random_seed.h
        ./debug.h           ./json_pointer.h          ./snprintf_compat.h
        ./json_config.h     ./json_tokener.h          ./strdup_compat.h
        ./json_c_version.h  ./json_util.h             ./strerror_override.h
        ./json.h            ./json_visit.h            ./strerror_override_private.h
        ./json_inttypes.h   ./linkhash.h              ./vasprintf_compat.h

So we will copy them over as follows:

# mkdir /mnt/remote/json-c-bbg/json
# cp ./*.h /mnt/remote/json-c-bbg/json #The headers

We are now ready to use JSON-C

Building with Make

Now that we have our headers and libraries in our shared directory we can put them in our projects and link against them.

First, lets copy them over:

# cp -rf ~/cmpt433/public/curl-bbg/ ./
# cp -rf ~/cmpt433/public/json-c-bbg/ ./

Lets assume our project directory looks like this:

├── Makefile
├── curl-bbg
│   ├── curl
│   └── libs
└── jsonc-bbg
    ├── json
    └── libs

This means we can do the following in our Makefile

We can add these to our CFLAGS


And these to our LFLAGS


with a trailing -lcurl and -ljson-c

For example:

CFLAGS = -Wall -g -std=c99 -D -Werror -pthread -I${CURDIR}/curl_bbg -I${CURDIR}/jsonc_bbg
LFLAGS = --L${CURDIR}/curl_bbg/libs/ -L${CURDIR}/jsonc_bbg/libs/
$(CC_C) $(CFLAGS) main.c  -o $(OUTDIR)/$(OUTFILE) $(LFLAGS) -lcurl  -ljson-c

We are now ready to code!


Using CURL and JSON-C is super easy

To get started, the following tutorials are super helpful. CURL provides a ton of example snippets, the ones most useful to us are the Get In Memory and HTTPS tutorials.

The first is important as it shows us how to send a GET via HTTPS, the second shows how the write callback function to store the data from the response into a chunk of memory.

Once you have combined these tutorials you will see that we attain the chunk struct. This struct contains the information returned from the GET.

When we use this to get the JSON from Firebase we can start to look at how to actually work with our data through C.

We can then use this data as follows:

char *str = chunk.memory;

This string can then be used by JSON-C:

struct json_object *jobj = json_tokener_parse(str);

Once we have mastered this we can look at the HTTP PUT tutorial. This tutorial includes a callback to write the response of the PUT in memory. We, however, don’t need this as there is no response from Firebase to PUT.

From this tutorial we can infer that the following is possible:

const char *message= json_object_to_json_string_ext(jobj, JSON_C_TO_STRING_PLAIN);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, message);

I bet you never thought sending and receiving JSON from Firebase via C could be this easy!